Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm bacckkkkkk!

Back to blogging once again, partly for lack of anything better to do and partly to see if i'm still capable of stringing together coherent sentences. I haven't much to write about, really, which is a fact that depresses me altogether.

In the past two months i have watched a ridiculous amount of DVDS, most of which were
incredibly bad, watched around seven movies at the cinema- Stardust, December Boys, One More Chance, Enchanted, Beowulf,Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, The Golden Compass- all of which were quite good,some even exceptional, except for Beowulf which in my personal opinion, was a complete fiasco.

I've also downloaded and listened to pretty much all of the episodes of
Pottercast and read and replied to a fair number of posts on Leaky Lounge (a Harry Potter discussion board of sorts), watched all the HP movies again, and am currently on my nth re-read of GOF, the 4th book in the series. Thankfully, I am pretty sure no one reads my blog, thus i am allowed the luxury of remaining a closet-dork. Note to self: this unhealthy obsession is usually at it's strongest when one is in need of good-old fasioned escapism.

And on that reflective note, i shall end this post. I hope everyone has a magical Christmas.