Friday, March 16, 2007


It's been exactly one week since i was home (without my parents' knowledge) and i am already suffering from withdrawal.

So here's a list of the things i miss most about Cebu:

My lovely hostess Val who put my plane ticket on her credit card, picked me up from the airport, fed me ( sonja's cupcakes!), dragged her sick self to Loft and woke up at an
UNGODLY hour to let me in the house. I LOVE YOU VALERIE!

SEX TALK with a shockingly experienced certain someone, her knowledge on a wide array of contraceptives( including vibrating ones!) plus demonstrations on certain sexual positions that I have been advised to 'try sometime'. You know who you are, and i miss you dearly!

Cigarette breaks, lesbo kisses, drunken mistakes, wake up calls, relationship analysis, pigging out, 300, learning THE lingo with RONI

Katsua- dressing me up, fixing my hair, doing my make-up, bitch fits- with me (for moving too much) and ahem someone else (for undisclosed reasons)

our conversations/confessions....


which (despite my fear of the Queen's WRATH) eventually led to...

"Kevs, you know ill always be here maski ma unsa paka"

and the brutal honesty that can only come from someone who loves you unconditionally.

PAOIE BITCH, we're losing our touch aren't we? It's time for a comeback!

- our BESO contest!
( i love your hair!, nice shoes!, you look great!, wanna fuck? etcetera etcetera)
- our failed efforts to look cool
- disgusting tequila shots
- conversations on how FANTASTIC 300 is!
-vivid descriptions of the female genitalia- a topic that never fails to amuse us.

i can go on and on, but it would fill up this entire post.

One day, i shall create a masterful work of art, dedicated solely to you and our adventures together, my book worthy friend.

KAT, my best best friend , who, after a few glasses of WENG-WENG (which is the new cool drink in Cebu, yes?) said to me:

"Luod lagi kaayu ni, mas lami jud toh ang GINPO sa inyung balay"

after which, i informed her,

"that's cause di mana ginpo, weng- weng mana"

We, of course, found this terribly amusing. Forgive us, we were drunk.

We then tried to determine what exactly is in this Weng- Weng drink.

We couldn't quite figure it out, and no one else seemed to know. So we moved on to other things, like VODKA downed with tap water.

TEVES- who put on his shoes and left his big bag at home to come to Vudu with us, got me free drinks, helped SEXIFY me, bought me a HELLOKITTY ring (which scraped my skin off), shared my affinity for LE DISKO (spock rocker with your dirty eyes) and in the spirit of appearing soshal - ordered a white chocolate martini.

Thank you for putting up with me despite my hormonal lapses in judgement. You know i love you, dearest

MITZVIKKI- cause she's Mitz, and everyone loves Mitz! her sweetness, her thoughtfulness, her impossible perkiness, her sugar-free cookies, and just the things she says that bring out the best in even the most cynical of us.

Yes, i miss Cebu. TERRIBLY.



I miss thinking "I feel like going to the beach today" and actually being ABLE to.

I miss how you can leave home ten minutes before the start of a movie and still catch all the trailers.

I miss how you can't go anywhere without running into someone you know. (which i forgot, hence my appearance in Ayala looking like a crack whore)

I miss hanging out, for hours at a time, in Eastwest or Starbucks (downstairs).

I miss not having to think about what I'm going to say before i say it.

I miss my friends, more than anything.

I miss the easy existence of being with the people i love- and not having to constantly work on things and relationships as we do here.

Every day i wake up in this city, is a struggle to find a reason to stay.


Paolo B. said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww. i love it.

SEX TALK with a shockingly experienced certain someone - now who could this be? demonstrations on certain sexual positions that I have been advised to 'try sometime' - like on the kitchen sink, perhaps?

come back already. i think we're reason enough to leave manila. HAHA.

samelise said...

OFCOURSE YOU ARE! i don't need any convincing. haha

Anonymous said...

oh sam i love your blog because i'm in it! haha - charming mitzvikki

Anonymous said...

im missing u this very minute..... hehe come home na gud sam....cmoncmon. -tevs

Anonymous said...

kahilakon ko da....hehe seriously.

Anonymous said...

"and in the spirit of appearing soshal...." ...WHAT THE..??!..... nahan lang gud ko motry.! hehe -tevs

samelise said...

HAHA! ayg ka hurt uy! nya nya lami? i know, i know, na sad pud ko nagsuwat :(

samelise said...

mitz- you never fail to amuse me with the things you say haha

Mikey Sanchez said...

asa d i ka?

aw oh, alinams man di ay ka sa?

... ka shala ninyo nga pagka shurkada oy. maka emotional. hehehe

Paolo B. said...

hmph, i haven't seen "science of sleep". YET.

samelise said...

haha! na emotional pud kag apil?

Alinams? that's like, manila? hmm

but yeah. bati kaayu haha

samelise said...

pao- i know u havent. well ni try biya tag watch together but i think our minds were too distracted with partying haha

Anonymous said...

Hey,congratulations for making your blog...thats hot...

samelise said...

HMM anonymous, let me guess, PEDRO?

Mikey Sanchez said...

you're catching up.. yep, it's Manila. well, i find it admirable that you treasure your friends so much. I do too. CHAR!

Anonymous said...

as all ways.hahahaha.miss you dear and i soo want you to try my new cooking. you would love my quesa.yeah...

samelise said...

i'm sure i will. Feed me this summer! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Sure i will...yeah.hahaha..i hope you will love the painting that i made for you and you will.hahaha

Anonymous said...

"...hence my appearance in Ayala looking like a crack whore"

hehehehe.. funny..

nka shagit na kag: "GO ATENEO! ONE BIG FIGHT!"?

my classmate who had her undergrad in ateneo ky mukalit rag shagit go ateneo one big fight like she had tourette's sydrome..