Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fast forward.

While sorting through groceries today, Stepfather asked me an interesting question:
"Fast forward 10 years, What do you think you'll remember most about your life now?"

This really made me think. It bothered me, to be quite honest. I haven't done anything note-worthy. I have no major accomplishments to speak of.

So what would i remember?
I guess I'd remember the haziness, mostly. You know the expression "If you can remember the 60's then you weren't there." Well similarly, I probably wouldn't remember names or faces or any of the things that matter in history books. But I'd remember feelings. I'd remember poignant little details: the way the city looks at dawn, the bitter aftertaste of cigarettes, the laughter, nights that never seemed to end, and the nights we never wanted to end.

I'd remember the intensity. I'd remember the terrific highs, and the worst possible lows. I'd remember our indifference, to everything that didn't concern us. Still, we had passion. However misguided , we had it in grand proportions. How else would you explain that
lust for life? 'Cause that's what it was, for me anyway. I longed for life- real life, the passion, the pain, and everything mixed up into one. I wanted to FEEL 'til i could no longer bear it.
Think about it:
If you can look back 10 years from now and say that you really lived, what else is there?

I think life, in itself, is a worthy ambition.

1 comment:

Layla said...

wow, sam. you're an amazing writer. keep it up :) wish i could write like this.